Who or what is FLYPINO?

Flypino is your new Cologne based travel agency specialized for flight tickets and the Philippines. General Manager Raphael Schmidt offers not only personal travel consulting but also special flight tickets to the Philippines or wherever you want to go to.

So FLYPINO is basically a travel agency for long-distance trips?

Yes, but with special focus on personal consulting. As a licensed IATA flight agency we offer you a big range of special fares with a lot of extras. With our expertise and experience in the flight and ticketing sector we also provide interesting insights and personal assessments on price developments, flight routes, mileage programs and anything else that interests you around aviation and air travel.

Do you really still need a travel agency today? You can simply book flights online by yourself...

Booking directly with the airline, booking with a pure online agent or booking with a specialist like FLYPINO - each booking channel certainly has its advantages and disadvantages, which everyone should weigh up for themselves. Here are four valid facts that speak clearly for us:

Fares: FLYPINO is an accredited special agency with many extra fares, which have been negotiated directly with the airline. We thus offer fares that are not even sold in online booking tools - for example Balikbayan fares with more free baggage allowance, more flexible rebooking options and other amenities.

We are human: We have plenty travel experience and knowledge in Asia as well as all the necessary qualifications in airline ticketing. This will always take part in our personal consultation and can be worth a lot in the end - even for a simple flight booking.


Service: Flypino is totally independent. As an IATA accredited agency we can issue, rebook and refund tickets on our own. That means we are not dependent on support from the airline or a consolidator. Especially in times of high inquiry volume, the waiting or processing time for our quality service should be significantly shorter than with the airline itself or with large online agencies.

Location: FLYPINO is not a virtual company. We are a physical travel agency located in Cologne, Germany. We are therefore also subject to German and European tourism and trade laws and do not escape any responsibility. You can reach us by normal landline number without hidden phone charges. After arrangement you can also come here for your very personal consulting - and you will always get a free cup of coffee!


Service: Flypino is totally independent. As an IATA accredited agency we can issue, rebook and refund tickets on our own. That means we are not dependent on support from the airline or a consolidator. Especially in times of high inquiry volume, the waiting or processing time for our quality service should be significantly shorter than with the airline itself or with large online agencies.


Fares: FLYPINO is an accredited special agency with many extra fares, which have been negotiated directly with the airline. We thus offer fares that are not even sold in online booking tools - for example Balikbayan fares with more free baggage allowance, more flexible rebooking options and other amenities.


Location: FLYPINO is not a virtual company. We are a physical travel agency located in Cologne, Germany. We are therefore also subject to German and European tourism and trade laws and do not escape any responsibility. You can reach us by normal landline number without hidden phone charges. After arrangement you can also come here for your very personal consulting - and you will always get a free cup of coffee!


We are human: We have plenty travel experience and knowledge in Asia as well as all the necessary qualifications in airline ticketing. This will always take part in our personal consultation and can be worth a lot in the end - even for a simple flight booking.

How about the prices?Isn't it usually cheaper online?

Not necessarily. At least a comparison is always worth a try. In addition to a good price, our special fares often have more free baggage allowance, more flexible rebooking or even down-payment options. Likewise, we can reserve flight options with many airlines for a few days, so that you have enough time for a perfect travel planning. Even if you don’t book in the end - this extra service is completelyfree of charge for you!

Which Airlines does FLYPINO offer?

You can book all airlines with FLYPINO. We are absolutely independent and are not subject to any cooperation and do not have to fill contingents. With this background we can totally focus on your travel needs.

What are those "special fares"? What extra services does FLYPINO offer?

Basically, every demand and inquiry is very welcome. No request is too complicated or too weird. We have a large range of airfares and special services:
- Balikbayan fares for the Philippines.
- "Visit Friends&Relatives" fares for many other Asian countries
- Touroperator fares for travel agencies
- Group tickets
- Open jaw flights
- Feeder flights
- Rail&Fly
- Stopover with nice city hotels
- Side trips / Addon tickets
- “Round-The-World-Tickets”
- Unacompanied-Minor-Tickets
- Extra or sports luggage
- Tickets with downpayment installment
- Carriage of pets
- visa consultation
....and much more!
Make yourselves gladly a picture of it and contact us.

About me

General Manager Raphael Schmidt

I was born and raised in the Northern German province. After a stopover in the Ruhrgebiet, I moved to Cologne in 2008, where I completed my training as a travel agent. Since then, I have been employed at a renowned travel agency with a focus on the Philippines and airline tickets until 2021. So I learned IATA ticketing from scratch in the educational "oldschool" way. In 2009 I was in the Philippines for the first time, where I met my wife two years later. Since then, I have been there more than 15 times, traveling the whole country and many other beautiful spots and Cities in Asia. So a lot of travel experience always flows into my consultancy.

Our customers' feedback:

Immer wieder buche ich bei Raphael Schmidt meine Flüge samt Rollstuhlservice, weil er Service bietet wie kein anderer.

Nicole, Hamburg

Thanks so much for a perfect service. It was my first flight to Europe, Sir Raphael booked all. Salamat!

Analyn, Dumaguete

Super Preise und viel Freigepäck für Mitbringsel. Sehr zu empfehlen.

Gloria und Peter, Bonn

Immer wieder buche ich bei Raphael Schmidt meine Flüge samt Rollstuhlservice, weil er Service bietet wie kein anderer.

Nicole, Hamburg

Thanks so much for a perfect service. It was my first flight to Europe, Sir Raphael booked all. Salamat!

Analyn, Dumaguete

Was gibt es bei Flypino?

Flugtickets aus erster Hand

persönliche Beratung auch in Krisezeiten

- z.B. mehr Freigepäck"

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July, 15, 2002
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Wie wär's denn mal mit Eva Air? Schnelle Verbindungen von München nach Manila, Cebu und Clark und 2x 23 kg Freigepäck in der Economy Class.

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